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Global Explorer

Understanding Cultural Differences with Travel

Throughout my time at UW, I have been lucky enough to immerse myself in different cultures around the world. I started traveling at a young age when my dad took my siblings and I on a road trip through Europe for two months. When I was 10, my parents sent me on my first solo plane ride to live in Alaska with a family friend. Every year or so, my family encouraged me to go out on long road trips or plane rides across the world with them. I had such fond memories of traveling that I knew I never wanted to stop even when I got to college. I made it my goal to save up and travel on my own to see new parts of the world and so many different cultures. These past three years I traveled to new countries and continents to develop my understanding of different cultures and see the world as a whole, apart from just the city of Seattle where I was born and raised. 

Travel is incredibly important to me. When I was little, I would look at pictures of my parents growing up in Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia, France, England and so many other countries. I saw the value in travel by how my parents treated other people and understood the privilege we have growing up where we do. Having a duel citizenship to the US and France has been a defining factor to who I am. I wanted to see my culture for myself and experience being out of my comfort zone. Travel has helped me become open minded and build my compassion towards people’s differences. I know now that I want to use this education I’ve given myself to create a change for more equity. 

In Paris, France

When it comes to travel, it is important for me to take initiative so that I can continue to have these experiences. When I went to France, Italy, Singapore and Indonesia in 2016 and 2017, it was my responsibility to visualize and plan the trip. I took initiative to make these trips happen because I wanted so badly to appreciate my ability to see the world on my own. By taking initiative on my goals, I was in charge of researching, communicating, and thinking ahead. By doing these things I was able to accomplish what I set my mind to. 

Beach Sunrise in Bali, Indonesia

In 2017, I went to Bali, Indonesia with an idea of conservation in mind. I had the great opportunity to participate in a sea turtle release program to encourage conservation for the local sea turtles. Every day at 4 pm, a group of us from all over the world would meet on the beach to greet these newly hatched sea turtles, only a day old. We would carry them from this sanctuary, where they were hatched, to the ocean and let them go so that they would crawl straight towards the waves. Although this doesn’t sound like much, our efforts of increasing the sea turtle’s ability to make it to the ocean has increased the population greatly. Being a part of this organization has helped me see the many opportunities for change around the world. I hope to take part in many wildlife protection efforts everywhere I go to inspire conservation. 


The ability to travel has made me see the social injustice that is occurring every day in this world. It has pushed me to want to take action on the unequal distribution of power and the unequitable society amongst so many cultures. Because of the poverty I’ve seen in third world countries, I feel the need to give back to these communities because of how gracious they’ve been towards me. At 4 in the morning on the east side of Bali island, I was getting ready for a sunrise volcano hike before I realized I just couldn’t do it. I was too exhausted and not prepared which caused me to go into a panic. But after expressing my concerns, our hike guide refused to let me pay to go home 2 hours away. She offered me a room in her house to stay that morning until everyone returned from the hike after sunrise. This generosity and compassion went such a long way for me. I entered this home with no windows or doors and went into this room with only a thin mattress on the floor. It was still pitch black out and I was in such an unfamiliar place but I felt comfort in feeling so welcomed here. Seeing first hand into the poverty that people face all over the world has built a passion for me to help out. After coming back from traveling, I have immersed myself in many workshops centered around equity and inclusion in hopes to make a difference. I hope to use my position to foster a more just society. 

When I travel, I travel with a mission. I never want to see the world as a tourist, but rather fully immerse myself into the culture and experience of this place so different from where I grew up. Seeing the world from the perspective of a local makes for a completely different travel experience and shapes my decision making while I’m there. I forget about where I’m from for a moment and step into the shoes of a new culture with a history beyond my scope of knowledge. I adjust to this new behavior and respect the commonalities which is a learning process in it of itself. Having this mission to understand new cultures all over the world is motivation for me to step out and be adventurous. 

In Venice, Italy

So much self-development comes from traveling. By traveling to countries with languages I don’t speak, food so unlike the type I make at home and personalities so unique, I am way out of my comfort zone. Because I had no choice but to figure out my way around in such an unknown place, I was forced to navigate my way through language barriers and unfamiliar strangers. Traveling has helped me become independent by making my own choices and seeing my strength in unclear situations. Traveling has also given me perspective. There was a time when all I really knew was the city of Seattle and the easy lifestyle of cars and grocery stores down the street. But experiencing life on the tiny island of Tenakee Springs, Alaska showed me what it’s like to have no cell phone service, no cars and your only source of food is to go fish it and make it yourself. Seeing the rich cultures of European countries surrounded by art, food, literature and history everywhere you walk. To dive into the busy streets of Singapore, bright and animated with strict rules and modern liveliness. And to discover the third world society of Bali, Indonesia with filled with generous people, stunningly beautiful beaches and wild monkeys running through the streets. There’s such an adjustment that comes with major lifestyle changes but its humbling to see how much people are willing to help you. Putting myself out of my comfort zone has helped me discover my place in this world. 

Traveling to new countries all over the world has helped bring perspective into my life. I hope to continue traveling throughout my entire life and use my knowledge to educate others and take action on social justice issues. Traveling embodies the feeling of curiosity and discovery. It has helped me become open minded to differences and value everyone’s unique identity. I plan to study abroad during my time left at UW and hopefully get the opportunity to educate in other countries to help inspire marine conservation.

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